Veterans Affairs Voluntary Service

Veterans Affairs Voluntary Service (VAVS) Director Joe Kirkpatrick

Dayton VA Wesite:

Needs list:

Cincinnati VA Wesite:

Needs List: a downloadable word form half down the page on the far right side as well as the needs list for the Fisher House on site

Chillicothe Website:

Needs List: a downloadable pdf file half way down the page in the donate section. highlighted to be easier found.

Cleveland VA Website:

Needs List: Items needed or accepted are listed on the page.

Georgetown and Sandusky OVH Website:

There is a list of poeple to contact for further information on donating or volunteering

                                      Sons of AMVETS Dept. of Ohio, Inc. 

960 Checkrein Avenue Columbus OH 43229 Phone: 614.985.3380 Fax: 614.985.3381

                                               Email Dept. Headquarters